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Star Sign Date Range: May 22nd - June 21st
Thursday 6th February, 2025:
You are so on edge and open to suggestion that you seem to contradict yourself. Your mind is electrified and eager to learn. Take in more information than you give out. You can easily learn new techniques or technical information if you stay organized. Expect travel problems. <br><br>You are cheerful. Get out, socialize. Spend time with relatives or close friends. Relations with women are favored. Avoid overindulgence. <br><br>You are most comfortable in familiar environments. If worldly affairs demand too much energy, withdraw without neglecting your responsibilities. <br><br>Your personal new moon sets the tone for the month and is usually felt as a burst of energy. Because logic and emotion are in harmony, smooth relations with others are likely. Relax if you feel down. <br><br>You are patient and would rather complete current tasks than brag about accomplishments. Attack complex problems. Achievement is its own reward. <br><br>Congratulations! You have now traveled one full circle. Your life is probably free of many obligations. You may now see your life as part of a larger picture. You deserve to be happy. <br><br>
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