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Star Sign Date Range: September 23rd - October 23rd
Thursday 6th February, 2025:
You seek comfortable situations. Sales pitches or expression of love are favored because you are pleasantly emotional. You are as sympathetic to others as they are to you. <br><br>Your thoughts expand. You willingly seek out new people and new ideas. Celebrations, vacations and similar activities proceed favorably. Sober thought reaps generous rewards. <br><br>Realize how much worldly ambitions require emotional fulfillment. You may find that you have been too self-possessed to realize your goals. You cannot overemphasize the material without affecting the emotional, and vice-versa. <br><br>Reality now demands valid plans. Undefined goals are difficult to reach. People expect concrete results. Practice is more important than theory. <br><br>This influence stirs peoples' concern for others. Society generally calls for a more sympathetic attitude toward less fortunate people. On an individual basis, this influence may inspire you to help those in need. <br><br>Break from your normal routine. This is not a time for tasks requiring deep concentration. Try new techniques. Suppressed emotions lead to frustration and mishaps. <br><br>
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