Star Sign Date Range: January 20th - February 18th
Sunday 19th January, 2025:
You need to learn the power of cooperation. If you are pompous and overbearing, people are liable to subvert you. If you are overly submissive, you could be forced to stand up for your rights. <br><br>Intense but positive emotions dominate this period. Change your emotional life. Intimate relationships may be passionate, but don't get carried away. <br><br>Express yourself carefully. Defend your ideas, not your ego. Impulsive behavior causes accidents, especially to the arms or fingers. <br><br>Make good use of new experiences. You seek change out of necessity and not for its own sake. You can now make or accept changes that reap realistic results. Use what you learn expeditiously. <br><br>You and people you work with enjoy your unique way of doing things. You are willing to test limits and others find this behavior exciting. Find new ways of doing things and enjoy yourself. <br><br>This influence stirs peoples' concern for others. Society generally calls for a more sympathetic attitude toward less fortunate people. On an individual basis, this influence may inspire you to help those in need. <br><br>Change your emotional outlook and voice personal concerns. People will allow you more freedom than usual. This influence favors relationships with friends and groups of people. <br><br>
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