3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Nine of Swords card

This is the experience of great fear and anxiety, a nightmare where the sheer power of fantasy is frightening and painful. And then there are guilt feelings because of destructive fantasies and expectations of terrible future outcome. This self punishment includes the fear that a loved one will reject us, or die, or leave us for another, terror of loneliness, illness or isolated old age. The frightening visions are also about financial catastrophe or loss or the collapse of a creative project - the break down is endless cause we believe in misfortune and despair, we are enslaved by them. This fanaticism leads towards passion and sacrifice and transforming thinking, the ability to present a meaningful philosophy, it becomes worship of something higher - the enlightenment. Negative: Agony.


Present Situation:

You chose the Two of Cups card

Love, happy relationship, harmony and melting, receptivity, sweetness of youth, vitality and feeling, flirtation, a holiday romance with no commitments - all this represents a desire for openness and honesty. It is an initial meeting between active and passive, man and woman, projecting itself on to something or someone outside. In that other we see a glimpse of what we ourselves are in process of becoming. Chance for humanizing and to see the potential for immortality, which can lift the human love to a higher and more spiritual level. Negative: A regretted one-night stand.

Immediate Future:

You chose the The Empress card

A matriarchal goddess, a beautiful earthy woman - experience of being part of nature and rooted in natural life, the appreciation of the senses and the simple pleasures of daily existence. Without this Great Mother within us, we can bring nothing to fruition, here is patience and gentleness to wait until the time is ripe for action. She governs the orderly rules of the seasons and the laws of the cosmic, she gives birth of new life, is initiative and has an eye for details. She is a caring and protecting wife and virgin, accepting the responsibility of own feelings, she has strength which nourishes and sustains. There is sweetness, passionate love and a playful erotic invitation to dance. Negative: Stagnation of the spirit, apathy, mourning mother, which crush all possibility of change, full of bitterness and resentment because life requires change and separation and endings must occur.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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