3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Three of Cups card

The maiden becomes a bride and leaves behind forever her virginity and her innocence. It is a completion of the initial attraction, feelings are expressed, accepted and shared and then it is a spiritual union with another. The healing power of true unselfish love. New dimension of life is unfolding, the feeling of joy and promise, birth of a child. This is a transition card heralding further developments. Enjoy it while you can. Negative: Receiving envy.


Present Situation:

You chose the The Star card

The star, the guiding vision of hope arises out of the ashes of the tower which has been destroyed. Here comes the harmonious uniting of heaven and earth, the divine protection and power to transcend the mundane world., the inspiration, crystallization, self-confidence, the conjunction with the universal intellect. And the insight that there are endless possibilities of existence we connect with our feeling, instinct, imagination and intuition. It is a symbol of that part of us which, despite disappointment, depression and loss can still cling to a sense of meaning and value and a future might grow out of unhappiness of the past, a time of sincerity, trust and peace. Negative: Blind hope.

Immediate Future:

You chose the Six of Swords card

Moving away from turbulent, difficult feelings toward a calmer and more serene state - the tranquil mind, the learning intellect, successful mental activity. With openness cognition's come and one has the power to persuade others or to give information. Dignity and self-respect help to balance mental and moral faculties and lead towards a calm peaceful passage. Seeing and understanding, psychology, science, intelligence balanced by humanity. The pleasure of travel, of broadening horizons both mentally and physically. Negative: Using smooth talk to deceive and manipulate.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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