3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the The Devil card

The card of the devil implies the necessity of a confrontation with all that is shadowy, shameful and base in the personality like sexuality, antagonism, obscure unrestrained energy, obsession, superstition. He is ugly, amoral and crude, has dirty and wicked fantasies and is goatish, hairy and inferior. To release the creative power one must free oneself by gaining knowledge and honest, dropping the chains of panic and self-disgust, facing the own darkness. One must learn to confront with humility, the basest and most shameful aspects, otherwise one remains forever in the bondage of one's own fear. Negative: Careless of result.


Present Situation:

You chose the Strength card

Associated with the lion we have an image of courage, strength and self-discipline of totally egocentric beginnings of a unique individuality. It's the "me first drive" which will happily destroy anyone or anything in its path, so long as one's own gratification is assured. This lesson of harnessing one's aggression and directing it toward a creative end. Will courage pride and labor, going for it for the lust of life. Strength applied to joyful purpose. Through such an experience we come in contact with the beast but also with the hero, emerging from this contest with trust in oneself and integrity towards others. The lion within is the image of the infantile savage and royalty, interpreted as vigor. Negative: Repressed instinct without any transformation, leaving behind a strong shell within a soul without passion and without a true identity.

Immediate Future:

You chose the Seven of Cups card

Emotional situation where many potentials are evident, but where the individual is faced with the challenge of choosing and acting in realistic terms to make those potentials manifest. Otherwise he or she can't bear this constant movement, travel and endless repetition and falls as a victim into frustration, into dreams, illusions and hopes. It needs inner commitment achieving a deep realization of our true feelings to find love again. As a charmer or femme fatale one takes an emotional risk and accepts the limitations of reality, needs patience, faith and perseverance. Negative: Internal corruption, stagnation, bog, using and manipulating the emotions of others for personal gain.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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