3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Justice card

The weapons - which have to be used with intelligence, foresight and planning. Here we have the mind capacity to integrate both dark and light with logic, diplomacy and cleverness. The capacity to make choices based upon reflection, holding the instincts in control. The willingness to battle for principles rather than passions, not influenced by personal desire. The necessity of building one's own character, which helps to deal with the great range of life's experiences. Justice is not possible unless we respect fairness and truth as important ethical principles rather than a nice behavior which we adopt because we want to be liked by others. Honesty, balance, order and organization are necessary for decisions and the real power, which comes from insight. Negative: cool, too idealistic and too destructive to the warmth of personal relationship.


Present Situation:

You chose the Strength card

Associated with the lion we have an image of courage, strength and self-discipline of totally egocentric beginnings of a unique individuality. It's the "me first drive" which will happily destroy anyone or anything in its path, so long as one's own gratification is assured. This lesson of harnessing one's aggression and directing it toward a creative end. Will courage pride and labor, going for it for the lust of life. Strength applied to joyful purpose. Through such an experience we come in contact with the beast but also with the hero, emerging from this contest with trust in oneself and integrity towards others. The lion within is the image of the infantile savage and royalty, interpreted as vigor. Negative: Repressed instinct without any transformation, leaving behind a strong shell within a soul without passion and without a true identity.

Immediate Future:

You chose the Page of Swords card

Here we meet the nascent and unformed beginnings of the element of air, to formulate our own ideas and concepts and to express these to others. Yet this original and independent thought seems to be childlike and comes out of curiosity but this use of mental power is important to gain respect. Normally he has been accustomed to accept the views of others but he gets into action when he sees injustice and is devoted to a companion in whom he believes. Negative: A fanatic or extremist, gossip can wound, spiteful and revengeful.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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