Life Path Number 9

Meaning of the number Nine in numerology

Positive and Negative aspects, including talents and personality, of the people with a Life Path Number Nine

If your life path number is Nine you will be involved in spiritual, philosophical or educational issues of some sort. You are well suited to the teaching profession and are likely to occupy a high position in your career. You are articulate and intelligent and will never be short of friends and admirers for very long.

Travel will feature prominently in your life and you could spend several years living and/or working abroad. You love the country and outdoor pursuits such as riding, skiing, parachuting - in fact anything that could be considered adventurous by others.

You have high aspirations and like to mingle with the famous, successful or wealthy. You will achieve recognition of some kind in your life. Your children and partner are important to you but you mix career and family life together with ease. You are well organized and have a high energy level - probably as a result of your love of exercise.

You love most animals but are especially fond of dogs and horses. Your ideal partner will be one who shares your love of the great outdoors.

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