3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Six of Pentacles card

Life's generosity arises from within the individual himself or herself. It is harvest and celebration of one's good luck and fortune. Give without conditions, life doesn't judge like society. It is giving and taking and enjoying the sensual pleasure of life, abundance, fertility and health. Also small earnings, balance between debit and credit, money or substance to be shared, restoration through the generosity or charity of others, renewal of faith and success. Negative: Overindulgence, exaggerated.


Present Situation:

You chose the Five of Pentacles card

Here we have loss, financial loss or loss of faith in oneself, cause of confusion of self-value with material security. It forces a let go, because if material disaster comes then perhaps it is in some way necessary and the inevitable outgrowth of a wrong or inappropriate attitude. Disadvantages and temporary economic crisis leads to transformation of the inner individual towards material success with a more solid inner center which can cope with the challenges which success brings. Prepare to begin again and move from a position of security to the unknown. Negative: Worry, heavy, slow, obstinate.

Immediate Future:

You chose the Queen of Wands card

This is an imaginative and magnetic woman with tireless energy to rule her own world in her own right. She is a self-confident and strong-willed individual, devotes her qualities to those few things to which she has given her heart. Also versatile, positive and caring in her actions and choices, she has the desire to become a public figure, with a good feeling for public taste she can be direct and tranquil to share her vision of birth and creation. Negative: Domination, capriciousness, thirst for revenge.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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