3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the The Hierophant card

A priest or a teacher, a "maker of bridges" who represents a wounded part of ourselves and therefore he is open to the worlds pain and longing. Suffering in ordinary life make us question and open the way to a greater understanding of the higher laws of life. He is seeking for answers of a philosophical kind and a link between spiritual and material values, an advisor, analyst, psychotherapist. Here we have responsibility, faith, idealism, knowledge and an individual vision of the spirit, which guides us as we leave childhood behind and venture out into life's challenges. Negative: Mistrust, knowledge out of books instead out of life, hypocritical, credulous.


Present Situation:

You chose the Eight of Cups card

This card is about having the emotional strength to withdraw and find inner truth, to have good feelings about oneself and one's values, even if there is shyness, shame, innocence and uncertainty. This inhibition brings a slowing down, discipline and new consideration; the entry to new emotional expression. Like the duality of day and night we understand the duality of love and hate and can let go of past hope in resignation and sadness so this opens up a transformation of our old attitudes. It is acceptance of an ending and bowing down towards the will of the divine. With this submission to that which is greater, death and transformation can happen, out of depression and mourning we go empty-handed into the unknown. Negative: Indolence, cold self-interest and detachment, blackmail the partner in the hope of a response.

Immediate Future:

You chose the Five of Wands card

The battle with the dragon, where the creative vision has collided with earthly reality - the primitive power - is now rebellion for change. Sometimes one is being forced into a new situation or it is a challenge from an unexpected source. This irrational energy brings trouble on the concrete level and asks to use instincts and intuition, the feeling of how the laws of material world operate. Compromises must be made while still retaining the integrity of the original vision. This means strife and this show-fight is a challenge to express power of creative imagination. Negative: Violence, cruelty, fear of failure, deep apathy, resisting change.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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