3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Two of Wands card

The fire of imagination - ladder of ambitions and aspirations. Creative potential growth in an enterprise or sexual relationship. Meeting or get-together that may or may not lead to something more important. Creative will in its most exalted form. The adventurer in us moves because we could have more than we have, or be more than we are. And out of restlessness and unformed power one idea leads to another and often the first one is not the final one. Out of the save cave towards the new aim using potentials which are our birthrights. Courage to take new ideas up in both hands to put faith in that invisible creative power which has generated the vision of the new path. Dominion, dynamic, pioneer. Negative: Tendency to exaggerate.


Present Situation:

You chose the The Lovers card

Meeting between the cutting power of mind - the sword - and the cup of love, which is a symbol of relationship. This dilemma is not only about trying to decide between two men or two woman. It also reflects our values, because our choices mirror back to us the kind of person we wish to become. Here is the problem of free will versus the compulsions of the instincts. Without passing through this initiation by fire, we cannot understand how we create our own future. It is the encounter with feelings, love and beauty, passion and faithfulness, the harmony, uniting of differences. It represents the creation of the world - the marriage of duality, by love awareness happens and in this surrender new doors open. Negative: driven blindly by desires, doubtful.

Immediate Future:

You chose the The Hermit card

Time for meditation, for looking inward bringing light into darkness, the unconscious, watching the dreams. Here we have loneliness, active or passive isolation to connect the higher spiritual self - a communication between spiritual heaven and material earth. A wise leader, finding one's own light, bringing things to completion, time to harvest, the fruitfulness. We only can reach this maturity with caution and patience, with readiness to reflect upon the "dark side of the moon". There is an opportunity to build solid foundations if one is willing to wait. Finally there is a deep respect for own limitations in the great passage of the rounds of time. Negative: Estrangement, abandonment.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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