3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Judgment card

Time when the rewards of past efforts appear. This is a period of summing-up, of a realization of what we have been doing and where we ourselves have created the future which now awaits us. This awakening is a clear perception of the extent to which we have been able to be true to ourselves. And for all our self-betrayals we ask for forgiveness and generosity, to drop our guilt-feelings and to find our self-value again. Through inspection and understanding we can forgive ourselves, here we are open for self-criticism and mutation, here mistakes and creative efforts of the past are gathered together to form the future - the beginnings of a more responsible and complete personality. The judge is inside us, not outside in the world. Negative: Self-made-prison.


Present Situation:

You chose the Ten of Cups card

This is the end of a phase in one's emotional life. The dual potential of poison and healing are coming together to enjoy the fruits, the life. Emotions suppressed for a long time can no longer be denied, with a second sight self-knowledge will bring honesty and humility, peace and satiety. The cup is overflowing, this deep love is the union with the divine. Loving another person opens the heart to love life itself, life has meaning and purpose and a larger, brighter world appears before one's vision - the connection with our own soul. Here comes ecstasy of the reunion of the lovers, conscious union of two loving but separate partners. It is an immortal status, not only personal and sensual dimension but a spiritual one as well. Negative: Money, sex, alcohol or drugs as an escape, rigid, delay the inevitable crises.

Immediate Future:

You chose the The Devil card

The card of the devil implies the necessity of a confrontation with all that is shadowy, shameful and base in the personality like sexuality, antagonism, obscure unrestrained energy, obsession, superstition. He is ugly, amoral and crude, has dirty and wicked fantasies and is goatish, hairy and inferior. To release the creative power one must free oneself by gaining knowledge and honest, dropping the chains of panic and self-disgust, facing the own darkness. One must learn to confront with humility, the basest and most shameful aspects, otherwise one remains forever in the bondage of one's own fear. Negative: Careless of result.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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