3-Card Spread Tarot Reading

Your Reading

You have chosen the cards for your Tarot reading. Let's see what they mean in their positions. Please note that some meanings may seem obscure - you'll need to consider their wider meaning and see how it fits into your life situation:

Immediate Past:

You chose the Ten of Swords card

A final ending, it may be painful, but at last the situation is faced truthfully. Disillusionment and disappointment seems like a death but free us from past older than ourselves. War, corruption, collapse and sorrow bring mental desperation through being trapped in a system in which one can no longer believe. The judgment brings reflection and clarity, tranquillity and transformation. Suddenly we see the broken heart, the fear of madness and destructiveness, energy of accumulated anger - all our negative thinking. This shows us the cycle of birth and death of ideas and a new perception can start. Negative: Discomfort, Out of control.


Present Situation:

You chose the Page of Pentacles card

A young man motivated by his potential of attainment and ambition, by his desire of experience and promotion. First there are small steps together with discipline, inventiveness and cleverness he can build up things in the world and fulfill the needs of the body, the desire to care for oneself better. With time and careful work a wish can develop into something which might lead to something greater. He is practical and helpful if it serves his own purposes. Sometimes he is unaware of support and can't see the money which is available. It is a delicate beginning of recognition of the value of the material world and it must be nurtured and protected. But then the potential comes to fruition. Negative: Ruthless heartless achiever.

Immediate Future:

You chose the Four of Swords card

A quiet time of withdrawal and contemplation, a period of introversion and reflection, of emotional recuperation after the outbreak of conflict in the Three. It means accept solitude and rest from sorrow so peace of mind and liberation can happen. Here we have conventional thinking, being confident that one's traditional approach will resolve all demanding situations. Dogma, law, truce and compromise for social harmony. Negative: Isolation, prison, loneliness, rigidity and conformity of mind, inflexible views and ideas, bigotry.

Tarot cards and interpretations kindly provided by The GPL Tarot. See licensing.


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